Category Archives: Iceland Travel Blog
The Andrew Johnston Iceland Camouflage Masterclass

The trouble is, there’s a recurring theme here… Continue reading
Iceland Album Now Online!

I’ve finally posted my complete album from the 2011 Iceland Trip! Please look inside and let me know what you think… Continue reading
A Delightful Little Surprise

I’ve just finished processing the photographs from my 2011 trip to Iceland! I’ll get the best up on my site over the next week or so. At least I’ve avoided the second anniversary of the trip… There was a wonderful Continue reading
Back to the ‘Fray

Oh well… The annual pilgrimage to the sun has come and gone, and it’s back to the ´fray. (I assume that “fray” is a contraction of “affray” – is that correct?) Updates to my web site are almost complete. As Continue reading
Fixing Holes
I’m making decent progress rolling out my new design to the website, but apologies if you’re waiting for some more interesting content! I’ve now got to the “fiddly” stage, making sure that the new theme works on the slightly more Continue reading
Photographing Waterfalls

I’m afraid I don’t subscribe to the received wisdom that waterfalls should be photographed with long exposures which capture the flow as a sort of silky mush. That might work for gentle trickles in dappled glades, but if you’re looking Continue reading
The Back of Beyond

I haven’t posted any photos since the end of our USA trip, but I have, finally, got back to sorting out my Iceland photos from last year. I thought, therefore, I would share this shot with you. It’s from an Continue reading
That Shouldn’t Have Worked…

There’s a lovely moment in the film Sahara where Pitt and Giordano are following a typically desperate plan in the hope that if they can kill the villain his men will just surrender and lay down their arms. When, to Continue reading
Shoot Only Puffins, Leave Only Footprints

I was ready for a quiet day of mainly driving on Sunday. I was also ready to report a total of about 1800 shots taken, which is a bit lower than for the Cuba trip, not unreasonable given the slightly Continue reading
Fire and Ice – Delivered

Saturday was when our tour really delivered on its “fire and ice” moniker. We started the day at the Jokulsarlon glacial lagoon, where an edge of the enormous Vatnajokull glacier calves off into the sea. Whereas 100 years ago this Continue reading
Floating Ice

This is a small iceberg floating in the Jokullsarlon galcial lagoon – see post above for details. Continue reading