Category Archives: Myanmar Travel Blog

Notes from my photographic trip to Myanmar in 2017

The British Government Reviews Its Brexit Strategy

Sorry it’s a bit fuzzy and not properly focused, but that’s nothing to do with my photography! Continue reading

Sunday, November 25, 2018 in Myanmar Travel Blog, Thoughts on the World, Travel

3D Photos from Myanmar

I’ve just finished processing my 3D shots from Myanmar. If you have a 3D TV or VR goggles, download a couple of the files from the following link and have a look. Continue reading

Saturday, March 11, 2017 in Myanmar Travel Blog, Photography, Travel

Travel Blogging and Photo Editing

I’ve been asked a number of times recently how I manage to write my blog during the often hectic schedule of my trips. It is sometimes a challenge, but it’s something that I want to do, and so I make … Continue reading

Monday, March 6, 2017 in Myanmar Travel Blog, Photography, Thoughts on the World, Travel

The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good

The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good. I’m not sure who first explained this to me, but I’m pretty sure it was my school metalwork teacher, Mr Bickle. Physically and vocally he was a cross between Nigel Green and … Continue reading

Monday, February 27, 2017 in Agile & Architecture, Myanmar Travel Blog, Thoughts on the World, Travel

Myanmar Musings (What Worked and What Didn’t)

Well, I’m back! Apart from a mad dash the length of Bangkok airport which got us to our plane to the UK with only a couple of minutes to spare, the flights home were uneventful and timely. Here’s my traditional … Continue reading

Thursday, February 23, 2017 in Myanmar Travel Blog, Photography, Thoughts on the World, Travel

The World’s Worst Panorama – 2017

As per tradition, I’ve compiled a group photograph from a series of hand-held shots taken by the members of the group in turn, in low light and high alcohol conditions. I’m moderately pleased with this year’s which was taken using … Continue reading

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 in Myanmar Travel Blog, Travel

The Oldest Established Permanent Floating Crap Game in New York

I am slightly disappointed to find that the "floating market" is actually on solid ground, and only "floating" in the same sense as the "floating crap game" in Guys and Dolls. However it’s still a bustling, vibrant place, with lots … Continue reading

Sunday, February 19, 2017 in Myanmar Travel Blog, Travel

Drifting Along

A decent night’s sleep! I am obviously now so knackered that I have just “tuned out” the boats. After breakfast we go to a different area of the lake, to watch more leg-rowing fishermen but who use a different style … Continue reading

Friday, February 17, 2017 in Myanmar Travel Blog, Travel

A Broader View

I really shouldn’t complain. I know the sleep deprivation thing is a bit annoying, but it’s just become a running joke. On the other hand, I am getting the opportunity to see and photograph some rather magnificent sites. Here, and … Continue reading

A New Twist

The "Light and Land Burma Sleep Deprivation Experience" (TM) gains a new twist. While theoretically we have an extra hour and a half in bed, at almost exactly 4.43 am the little boats start powering past the hotel, single-cylinder engines … Continue reading

Thursday, February 16, 2017 in Myanmar Travel Blog, Travel

Land, Sea (Well, Lake) and Air

Today we have a welcome opportunity to sleep a bit later. Unfortunately the Pavlovian conditioning has well and truly kicked in and I wake up at 4.43, although I do manage to get back to sleep for a bit longer … Continue reading

Capture and Visualisations

Today was not quite as restful as planned, and tummy grumbling slightly – this trip is quite hard work. That said, it’s another excellent day of photography. After an early start – quel surprise – we go back to the … Continue reading

Wednesday, February 15, 2017 in Myanmar Travel Blog, Travel