Category Archives: Website & Blog
Testing, Testing!

Apologies, I have a problem with my RSS feed which appears to require "live testing" to resolve. Please ignore this post, but if you’re already here please enjoy a nice picture of a beautiful leopard! Continue reading
A Ray of Sunshine

For about ten minutes at the end of each evening the sunlight lights up our newest sculpture through the Chinese circle. I thought it would be nice to share this: it’s a pretty image in it’s own right, I’d like … Continue reading
Testing, Testing

I’ve been having a few problems with my RSS feed, hopefully now fixed. If you view my blog via the feed and don’t see a picture from my trip to the Kolmanskoppe diamond mining town, please let me know. Continue reading
A Bit Stretched!

Apologies if there hasn’t been much activity on the blog lately. I’m deep into the invention of the expert system I wrote about previously, and that’s filling the relatively small brain of this bear, and not leaving much space for … Continue reading
My Travel Page

Some things don’t scale. You start off doing something, but before you know it it’s outgrown its usefulness and needs to change. So it is with website design… I started off with lists in a couple of places on this … Continue reading
Lotsa Changes!
I’ve taken advantage of a bit of spare time to sort out our web sites, and in particular fix a few things which didn’t work quite right after our enforced emergency upgrade in February. Hopefully you should see everything working … Continue reading
Normal Service Being Resumed
Apologies to all for the interruption to our websites and email service around last weekend. My server was hacked and used to launch DDoS attacks, and had to be taken offline and rebuilt with the latest software versions. Fortunately I … Continue reading
More Panoramas!

The astute among you will have noticed that I place a random panorama in the masthead of all my web site pages. I’ve just refreshed my album with a number of new images, which I hope you’ll enjoy. Continue reading
Back to the ‘Fray

Oh well… The annual pilgrimage to the sun has come and gone, and it’s back to the ´fray. (I assume that “fray” is a contraction of “affray” – is that correct?) Updates to my web site are almost complete. As … Continue reading
Fixing Holes
I’m making decent progress rolling out my new design to the website, but apologies if you’re waiting for some more interesting content! I’ve now got to the “fiddly” stage, making sure that the new theme works on the slightly more … Continue reading
Updates Rolling…
The updates to my website are now in progress. The eagle-eyed amongst you may have already spotted changes to my blog and front page, and the rest of the website will follow over the next few weeks. You should now … Continue reading
Man At Work!

Apologies to regular readers of my blog for the recent low output. I’m currently working on a major overhaul of my web site which will see it considerably modernised and should enable it to be viewed successfully on all sorts … Continue reading