Category Archives: Santorini

Backing Up

Coming up with a reliable backup policy is a challenge as data volumes grow. My approach is as follows. On a weekly basis I do a full backup of the system disk of the more "volatile" PCs in our collection, … Continue reading

Thursday, February 4, 2016 in PCs/Laptops, Photography, Santorini, Thoughts on the World

Grockles! (Santorini Portfolio Now Online)

Well, I’ve finally finished processing my shots from last year’s trip to Santorini. As expected, lots of blue church domes and sunsets over the caldera, but a few more unusual images as well. The sunset light there really is quite … Continue reading

Saturday, October 2, 2010 in Photography, Santorini

Caldera Sunset #3

Sorry there was no photoblog post last week, but I was busy processing my shots from the wedding of my good friend, Dave. Here’s a third (and, I promise, final) “Caldera Sunset” shot from my Santorini trip. This one works, … Continue reading

Monday, September 27, 2010 in Photography, Santorini

Caldera Sunset Zen

I’m making good progress on sorting out my photos from last year’s Santorini trip, with the intention of getting them finished before the anniversary… 🙂 I was going to publish a series of the Caldera sunsets in weekly instalments. I … Continue reading

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 in Photography, Santorini

Caldera Sunset #1

I’m finally getting round to processing the shots from my Santorini trip – only about a year late! The sunsets over the Caldera really are quite amazing. Here’s one, and I’ll post a couple more over the next few weeks. … Continue reading

Thursday, September 9, 2010 in Photography, Santorini, Travel

First Photo Blog Post

Hi, welcome to my new photo blog. Here’s a shot taken on my trip to Santorini last year, a “grab shot” of a rather nice yacht scudding along in one of the island’s trademark sunsets. The triangular shapes at the … Continue reading

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 in Photography, Santorini, Travel