Category Archives: iPad
Why the Galaxy Note is a Better Business Tool than the iPad
It seems barely believable that I’ve had the 10″ Galaxy Note in my hands for just four weeks. Like its smaller brother it just feels “right”, in a way the iPad failed to achieve in two years. It’s already delivering … Continue reading
Keeping Current
One of the great frustrations with the iPad was that although it should have been a great blogging tool, between the limitations of available software and input processes, it just wasn’t. (See An Ideal Blogging Platform for my reflections after … Continue reading
Time to Change My Tablets
As the iPad had reached 2 years old, without ever really ceasing to be a regular source of frustration, and as I’ve been very impressed with the Galaxy Note phone, last week I bit the bullet and purchased the iPad’s … Continue reading
Notes on the Note
I have just taken delivery of my brand new Samsung Galaxy Note, and I must say so far I’m very pleased. After the rather aggravating experience of the iPad I was a bit wary of going to another new operating … Continue reading
Ten Ways to Make Your iPad Work Effectively With Windows – Update
Microsoft have released an arguably belated but nonetheless very welcome version of OneNote optimised for the iPad and with very good synchronisation to the PC. It’s not perfect, but it’s good enough that I’ve updated my guidance on how to … Continue reading
Ten Ways to Make Your iPad Work Effectively With Windows
If you’re one of those people who uses loads of Apple products, and is thinking of proposing Steve Jobs for canonisation, then you may be happy with how your iPad works, but if you’re trying to make it work effectively … Continue reading
Not from My Cold, Dead Hand…
My regular correspondent Malachy Martin recently posed another of his “research” questions: What would work look like if you only had an iPad as your computing device? My first reactions focused on whether my iPad could replace my laptop. Then … Continue reading
iPad Communications Errors
I don’t know whether any other iPad / iPhone users out there get the same problem, but I’d be interested to hear if you do. Quite often I go to use an app which needs to communicate over the Internet, … Continue reading
Enterprise Architecture Conference 2011 Day 3
Well the third day of EAC 2011 came and went. My talk went well. Despite the last minute scheduling change I got a decent audience, and once in front of real listeners managed to find my style and pace again. … Continue reading
IPad – Balanced Scorecard
Observations on the iPad’s ability to work as a general entertainment device for the duration of a 9.5 hour flight: – battery charge (an impressive 35% charge remaining): 10/10 – screen (looked like someone had cooked breakfast on it): 2/10 … Continue reading
Tyrannies and Broken Business Processes
I’ve posted previously about the inadequacies of the iOS/iTunes architecture, and in particular the content management nightmare it creates, but I haven’t really reflected on the commercial model of the iTunes / App Store. I’m afraid I can hold back … Continue reading
An Ideal Blogging Platform?
The iPad really ought to be the ideal blogging tool: it’s light enough to always have with you, large enough to edit a decent quantity of text on, and potentially always connected, so you can strike while the muse is … Continue reading