An alley in the Marrakech Medina | |
Camera: Panasonic DMC-GX7 | Date: 12-11-2013 10:11 | Resolution: 3086 x 4114 | ISO: 250 | Exp. bias: -33/100 EV | Exp. Time: 1/60s | Aperture: 8.0 | Focal Length: 29.0mm | Location: Museum of Marrakech | See map | Lens: LUMIX G VARIO PZ 14-42/F3.5-5.6 |
I’m finally getting round to the first pass (!) on my Morocco photos. Work, my app development and the slow release of Capture One support for the Panasonic GX7 have all got in the way.
Here’s one from our second day in the Medina. We spent a lot of time peering down dark alleys, waiting to see if we could catch someone walking through a patch of light. It’s rather like shooting in a slot canyon – the position and the nature of the light changes incredibly quickly, and within about 10 minutes this light had disappeared. However while the light was right our patience was rewarded by the appearance of this nice Moroccan lady.
I continue to be amazed by the image quality of the GX7, and how Capture One handles it. Without adjustment this was almost a two-tone image of blown highlights and black shadows. Just using the “HDR” sliders of Capture One fully recovered almost all the highlight areas, and brought the detail in the shadows up to a level I like. That’s about all that was required.
More as they emerge from the shadows.